Monday, 15 August 2011

Journal outline

Each journal/blog entry should be in your own words and should consist of at least 100 words addressing the following points:

Brief Overview/Summary of the themes/topics addressed during the session
- Interesting Observations and Ideas (ideas and concepts that captured your attention)
- Key Take Away Points (the 2 or 3 key messages from the session that you intend to keep in mind going forward) 
- Issues for Further Discussion (stuff you wish had been considered or given more air-time in class – and why) 
- Personal Ratings for Session (how you would rate the session on a scale of 0 to 10. Feel free to be as subjective as you like in your assessment)

Your journal/blog entries for each session must be completed prior to the start of the following session for you to receive any credit.

Note: Extra credit will be given for originality of thought and innovative ideas expressed in your journal/blog. In addition, your contributions in terms of inputs/comments and suggestions to the journal entries/blogs of others will count toward your class participation. I want to emphasize that the focus here is on using the web as a communications medium for putting your ideas across. There is no need for the latest bells and whistles in producing graphic and/or animation intensive output – it is the quality of content and insight that we are focusing on here. 

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